Saturday, March 31, 2007

reversing a long

This is the other question I was asked. The straightforward method: loop 64 times, shift out from right, shift in from left. This means 128 shift operations, and 64 ANDs, 64 ORs.

My brain, of course, wouldn't let go, so I came up with something much more elegant, somewhere, half asleep on the plane:

public static final long reverse(long l) {
l = (l>>32)|(l<<32);
l = ((l>>16)&0x0000ffff0000ffffl)|((l<<16)&0xffff0000ffff0000l);
l = ((l>>8)&0x00ff00ff00ff00ffl)|((l<<8)&0xff00ff00ff00ff00l);
l = ((l>>4)&0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fl)|((l<<4)&0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0l);
l = ((l>>2)&0x3333333333333333l)|((l<<2)&0xccccccccccccccccl);
l = ((l>>1)&0x5555555555555555l)|((l<<1)&0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal);
return l;

This is 12 shifts, 10 ANDs, 6 ORs.


I got the question, of how do you compute the parity of an int? My first reaction was that, well, you make a loop, 32 times, shift right, and do an xor on the least significant bit. I mean, man, that is an easy question, why do you even ask?

I'm ashamed to say, that I should have thought more carefully. I woke up in the middle of the night, 8 hours later, and had a relevation:

public static final int parity(int i) {
i = (i>>16)^i;
i = (i>>8)^i;
i = (i>>4)^i;
i = (i>>2)^i;
i = (i>>1)^i;
return i&1;

Friday, March 23, 2007

using NTFS for my external hard drive

I bought a 250GB external hard drive. Since sometimes I need to plug it into Windows PCs, I decided it is best to have it formatted as NTFS. I installed ntfs drivers (yum install ntfs-3g), and voilá, when I plugged it into the USB port, a nice folder appeared on my Gnome desktop, and everything was accessible.

Except for it is all read-only.

Damn. Now I need to figure out who is to blame: ntfs-3g, fuse, or gnome-mount.

Update, the fix is a one-liner:
gconftool-2 -s /schemas/system/storage/default_options/ntfs/mount_options -t string '[uid=]'

Thursday, March 22, 2007

linux on my usb stick

Interesting excercise. The stick can hold 512MB, so my first thought (put the Ubuntu live CD onto the stick) failed.

So here's what I figured out:
  • debootstrap is your friend. You partition, format, mount, debootstrap, and have a functional linux.
  • oh. De only thing you don't have, is an actual linux kernel. So install it with apt-get
  • both lilo and grub is complicated and big. Use extlinux to boot
  • apt-get install xserver-xfree-drv-ati, and some fonts
  • apt-get install gnome - this is 700MB! who would have thought. skip that
  • I settled with apt-get install fvwm. Oh the old days
  • apt-get install xdm - why does this also install cpp??
  • and to get to the point: apt-get install firefox
Tadaam. Still got 100MB to spare, and can do all my stuff. I mean you can do everything with a browser, can't you :)

Friday, March 9, 2007

Dusting off C

Since I'm looking for a job, I started practicing C coding. So yesterday I've implemented:
  • bubble sort in array
  • quickshort in array
  • heapshort in array
  • search for optimal parenthesing of matrix multiplication
  • radix short of a linked list
  • binomial heap addition
Today, I'll have a look at Perl :)

Thursday, March 1, 2007


I just saw ad in the Budapest subway. It is looking for employees, Google-style.

I couldn't figure out the solution from the top of my head. What is the execution order of the "p2(c++), p1(c)" part? When will the variable c be incremented? What will be the calling order of the p1,p2 constructors? C++ is one magic language with lots of arbitrary rules.

But, of course, I typed it in and got the solution.